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Send a student leader abroad

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Growing up, my late mother instilled in me a profound love for travel and an appreciation for experiencing different cultures. While our family didn't have the means to embark on physical journeys abroad, my mother found creative ways to introduce us to the wonders of the world. She cooked food from various corners of the globe, we watched captivating travel shows, and she emphasized the importance of learning another language.

At the age of 13, the opportunity of a lifetime arose when my parents sacrificed their last dollars to enroll me in an EF Tours trip to Europe, alongside a handful of my classmates. That transformative journey forever changed my worldview and set my life on a trajectory that wouldn’t have otherwise been possible.

Even at a young age, I recognized the stark disparity between our circumstances and the developing world, despite not possessing the material signs of wealth ourselves. Since then, I have dedicated my time, resources, and energy to volunteering across the globe, visiting some 50 countries, contributing countless hours and significant funds to worthy causes. Throughout my travels, I witnessed the unimaginable depths of poverty lurking beyond the luxurious façade of 5-star hotels on six continents. Drawing from these experiences the vision for Send a Student Leader Abroad was born. And so, with the establishment of this new foundation, my ultimate goal is to empower and enable one million less fortunate children to explore the world during my lifetime.

Audacious? Absolutely.
Impossible? Perhaps.

But, with your support and collective efforts, we can shatter the limits of what's deemed possible and ignite a wave of change that reaches far beyond our own lives. Together, let's embark on this extraordinary journey of empowering futures and changing lives. No “them”. Only “us”. One human family.

See you on the journey…

Rodric Lenhart

ICF Certified Business Coach

If you're reading this, it's not by accident. I don't believe in coincidence.

In Million Dollar Flip Flops, I share insights from 2 decades of in the trenches trial and error building multiple 7 figure businesses while at the same time leading a life worth living.

A lifelong entrepreneur, at 25 I was making more in a month than my parents had made in a year. I could buy and do anything I wanted.

Yet... I was depressed, at times had suicidal thoughts, and awoke every morning with a sinking "is this all there is" feeling.

Digging myself out of that hole, I developed systems and strategies that allowed me to live a life I couldn't have imagined.

These three simple tools have been the filter through which I have run every decision in my life - business or otherwise....and the results have been extraordinary.

Leveraging wit, humor, and real life examples (including all of the failures!) I'll introduce you to The WAVES Method™ and together we will build a roadmap that will develop priceless tools you can use for a lifetime.

That's my definition of success and a life well lived. Yours is likely very different. Whatever your definition is... we all have areas of our lives that require massive change if we truly desire to reach the next level.

I followed in the footsteps of incredibly smart people in every area I wanted to master.

Hundreds of books read, seminars attended, courses taken, and mentors leaned on. I've spent untold time and money learning what worked for these masters - and combining this collective wisdom, developed The WAVES Method™.

Using The WAVES Method™, our goal is to align who you are and who you want to be as a person and only then design a life that allows you to thrive.

Where those two things meet is what we like to call - The Happiness Intersection

While my private coaching work is primarily with entrepreneurs across the globe, these principles can help anyone willing to invest in themselves.

You just have to be one of the few who do versus the many who talk.

I grew up in a small Michigan town in a little brick ranch on a busy road. My parents lived in that same house until two years ago when my Mom, my best friend, passed away unexpectedly before her 70th birthday. Nothing about my upbringing would have led you to believe I would go on to learn from some of the best mentors in the world.

I don't share any of this to impress you. I share only to impress upon you that regular people can do extraordinary things. Regular people change the world!

This book is for you if:

In Million Dollar Flip Flops, seasoned entrepreneur, speaker and coach Rodric Lenhart gives us the keys to reach our fullest potential.

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