Rodric Lenhart - MillionDollarFlipFlops

It seems so simple. We rarely leave on a long road trip, with no map and no destination. Imagine just hopping in the car with nothing but a great idea about vacationing and a pile of positive affirmations. 

Yet, for the last 20 years, I’ve seen entrepreneurs do this again and again and again. 

Maybe you know someone who’s followed this mapless path? Maybe intimately? 

Perhaps it’s my background in building houses, my passion for restoring classic cars, or that I’ve spent the better part of my adult years planning extensive world travel that it all seems so second nature. I’ve been “around the world” twice in the last 5 years, once traveling east and once traveling west…how many maps were involved to get me home safely? 

Why wouldn’t you start with the end in mind? 

But we don’t. We just plain don’t. 

Yet, I believe it makes all the difference. Not only in the ultimate quality of the company you create but also in your personal fulfillment and happiness when you do. 

Maybe you’re an entrepreneur in the trenches like I have been, suddenly finding yourself 2-3 years into your dream business, and you’re no more excited to get up in the morning than when you had a “job.”

Perhaps you’ve settled into that comfort zone where you know your business could be better, but it’s not bad enough yet to encourage that first step.

Or you think you want to be your own boss, and you’re just starting to get that dream down on paper. If so, these words are for you. 

I’m glad you’re here. See you on the journey…

Finding Your Why – Part 2 – Constant Review
The Values Behind The Values

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